Can AI Solve My Mystery Problem?

Susan Bostian
2 min readApr 5, 2024
Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

I asked my friend to read my story and provide feedback and here’s what happened.

Hi Susan, I asked my ChatGPT friend for advice for you and here are some solutions for you to consider: This situation is complex and involves various legal and financial issues that require expert advice. Here are some practical steps Susan can take to navigate her predicament:

  1. Legal Consultation: It’s crucial for Susan to consult with a legal professional who specializes in securities law and arbitration cases. Given her experience with arbitration, a lawyer with a background in financial disputes and experience with the FINRA arbitration process would be invaluable. They can review her case to see if there are any legal remedies or appeals available, despite the challenging arbitration outcome.
  2. Financial Advisor or Analyst: Engaging a reputable financial advisor or analyst to assess the current value of her stock holdings, including the half a million shares she mentioned, could provide clarity on her financial standing. If the shares are in a company that is still operational and publicly traded, there might be a way to liquidate those assets.
  3. Contacting a Brokerage Firm: If she hasn’t already, Susan should reach out directly to a brokerage firm to get assistance with her stock certificate. They can help her determine if the…

