I Need Help Solving This Silicon Valley Mystery

Susan Bostian
14 min readApr 2, 2024
Photo by Susan Bostian. This is the bridge where I meet the mystery man.

I am three months away from being homeless and I just met a man who explained how the arbitration system is rigged and why I never had a chance for a fair trial.

I also have a stock certificate for over half a million shares. These were originally founder shares that got divided up during our divorce. I saw a notification online that the shares in this company were being swapped but no one contacted me and no one that I contacted would talk with me.

During our divorce, my soon-to-be ex-husband declared that we had over ten million dollars in stock so that spousal support would not be necessary. But that stock disappeared under suspicious circumstances (at least to me) and it wouldn’t be until after the arbitration that my ex-husband would tell me that everyone knew what was going to happen to the company. Everyone, except for me.

So, before I end up sleeping on a park bench with no internet connection, I am asking the internet/universe for help.

By the way, the companies involved are publicly traded and all the information can be found online. The actual document from the binding arbitration detailing the names, votes, and signatures of everyone who participated can easily be found by anyone. If you go to the Finra.org website for mediation and awards, you can search my name (Susan…

